Reporter: Silvia Hrabkovska

0 Funny

Cat stealing pizza (VIDEO)

Pizza thieves!

0 Places

Korean versus American makeup (VIDEO)

Comparing Korean and American style of makeup.

0 Cute

Cats playing with boxes (VIDEO)

Cats and their hiding places.

0 Places

Mesmerizing Jellyfish Lake in Peru (VIDEO)

Jellyfish Lake in Peru looks like from a fairytale.

0 Cool

300 rockets all go off together! (VIDEO)

Setting off 300 rockets at once.

0 Cute

Fluffy dog kisses baby (VIDEO)

Kissed by a dog.

0 Funny

Pig finds camera that fell from airplane (VIDEO)

Camera falls from airplane directly to a pig pen.

0 Cool

Breakfast song (VIDEO)

Early morning breakfast song inspired by sounds while making breakfast.

0 Cool

Project Soli inspired by human hand (VIDEO)

Learn about Project Soli, new incredible technology.

0 Cute

Tiny duckling and her first swim (VIDEO)

Baby duckling goes swimming for the first time.

0 Funny

Puppyhood (VIDEO)

When a single guy gets a puppy.

0 People

Women try fake butt underwear (VIDEO)

Butt underwear tried by women.

0 Cute

Cat and her way to take a look outside (VIDEO)

Cat figures out the way to look outside.


Will we run out of oil? (VIDEO)

Will we ever run out of oil?

0 People

Alex Superman Johnson and his basketball proposal (VIDEO)

Basketball player Alex Superman Johnson and his proposal.

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